名古屋大学 大学院 環境学研究科
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University

篠田研究室 Shinoda Laboratory

> | 2021年度 FY2021 | 2020年度 FY2020 | 2019年度 FY2019 | 2018年度 FY2018 | 2017年度 FY2017 | 2016年度 FY2016 | 2015年度 FY2015 | 2014年度 FY2014

2021年度 FY2021 (Apr 2021 - Mar 2022)


1.Nada Ben Mhenni, Masato Shinoda, Banzragch Nandintsetseg: Assessment of drought characteristics, and its impacts on vegetation and wheat yield in Tunisia, Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition) Proceedings of 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2), Tunisia 2019, April 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51210-1_304.
2. Kong, K., B. Nandintsetseg, and M. Shinoda: How plant production in the Mongolian grasslands is affected by wind-eroded coarse-textured topsoil. Journal of Arid environments, Vol. 189, 104443, June 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104443. SCI
3. Kong, K., B. Nandintsetseg, M. Shinoda, M. Ishizuka, Y. Kurosaki, T. Bart-Oyun, and B. Gantsetseg: Seasonal variations in threshold wind speed for aeolian saltation depending on soil temperature and vegetation: a case study in a Gobi Desert. Aeolian Research, Vol. 52, 100716, July 2021. doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2021.100716. SCI
4. Yong, M., M. Shinoda, B. Nandintsetseg, L. Bi, H. Gao, Y. Wang: Impacts of land surface conditions and land use on dust events in the Inner Mongolian grasslands, China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 9, 531, August 2021. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.664900. SCI
5.篠田雅人: 人類と砂漠化. 沙漠研究, 31巻, 2号, 45-61, 2021年9月30日. doi:10.14976/jals.31.2_45.
6. Yoshihara, Y. D. Luo, C. Buyantogtokh, S. Koto, K. Umemura, N. Yamanaka, T. Javzandolgor, and M. Shinoda: Estimating winter energy balance and actual changes in nutrition of Mongolian grazing sheep. Applied Animal Science, Vol. 37, No. 5, 589-594, October 2021. doi:10.15232/aas.2021-02137. SCI
7. Kawai, K., H. Matsui, R. Kimura, and M. Shinoda: High sensitivity of Asian dust emission, transport, and climate impacts to threshold friction velocity. SOLA, Vol. 17, 239-245, 18 December 2021. doi:10.2151/sola.2021-042. SCI
8.岩垣和也: 夏のモンゴル草原における家畜移動と環境場の関係(修士論文), 2022年2月.   

2020年度 FY2020 (Apr 2020 - Mar 2021)


1. Matsushima, D., R. Kimura, Y. Kurosaki, U. Ganzorig, and M. Shinoda: A method for estimating the threshold wind speed for dust emissions as a function of soil moisture. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 175, No. 2, 237-257, May 2020. doi:10.1007/s10546-020-00500-5. SCI
2.Munkhjargal, E., M. Shinoda, Y. Iijima, and B. Nandintseteseg: Recently increased cold air outbreaks over Mongolia and their specific synoptic pattern. International Journal of Climatology, Vol. 40, No. 13, 5502-5514, 15 November 2020. doi:10.1002/joc.6531. SCI
3.Ariunaa, C., M. Shinoda, Y. Suzuki, and H. Komiyama: Mitigation of severe wintertime disasters in northern Mongolia through the early implementation of local action, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 50, 101739, November 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101739. SCI
4.Ben Mhenni, N., B. Nandintsetseg, and M. Shinoda: Assessment of drought frequency, severity, and duration and its impacts on vegetation greenness and agriculture production in a Mediterranean dryland: Case study in Tunisia. Natural Hazards, Vol. 105, No. 3, 2755-2776, November 2020. doi:10.1007/s11069-020-04422-w SCI
5. Nakano, T., T. Bat-Oyun and M. Shinoda: Responses of palatable plants to climate and grazing in semi-arid grasslands of Mongolia. Global Ecology and Conservation, Vol. 24, e01231, December 2020. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01231. SCI
6.Kong, K., B. Nandintsetseg, and M. Shinoda: How plant production in the Mongolian grasslands is affected by wind-eroded coarse-textured topsoil. Journal of Arid environments, in press. SCI
7.作田裕也:東アジア沙漠地帯における黄砂バイオエアロゾルの越境輸送ルートの解明(修士論文), 2021年2月

2019年度 FY2019 (Apr 2019 - Mar 2020)


1. Maki, T., K. C. Lee, K. Kai, K. Onishi, C. S. Hong, Y. Kurosaki, M. Shinoda, K. Kai, Y. Iwasaka, S. D. J. Archer, D. C. Lacap-Bugler, H. Hasegawa, and S. B. Pointing: Aeolian dispersal of bacteria associated with desert dust and anthropogenic particles over continental and oceanic surfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, April 2019. doi:10.1029/2018JD029597. SCI
2. Imai, S., T. Y. Ito, T. Kinugasa, M. Shinoda, A. Tsunekawa, and B. Lhagvasuren: Nomadic movement of Mongolian gazelles identified through the net squared displacement approach. Mammal Study, 44, 111-119, April 2019. doi:10.3106/ms2018-0052. SCI
3. 小長谷有紀・鈴木康平・堀田あゆみ・篠田雅人・山中典和: モンゴルにおける宿営地集団の研究-A. D. Simukov の「モンゴル人民共和国の住民の遊牧生活に関する資料(第二部)」論文の紹介-. 沙漠研究, 第29巻, 第1号,11-19, 2019年6月30日. doi:10.14976/jals.29.1_11 [Konagaya, Y., K. Suzuki, A. Hotta, M. Shinoda, and N. Yamanaka: A study on social organization in Mongolia:“Materials on nomadic life of the people in the Mongolian People’s Republic, Part II” written by A. D. Simukov. Journal of Arid Land Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1, 11-19, 30 June 2019 (in Japanese with English abstract).]
4. Nandintsetseg, D., C. Bracis, P. Leimgruber, P. Kaczensky, B. Bayarbaatar, L. Badamjav, C. Buyanaa, E. Shiilegdamba, N. Horning, T. Ito, K. Olson, J. Payne, C. Walzer, M. Shinoda, J. Stabach, M. Songer, and T. Mueller: Variability in nomadism: Environmental gradients modulate the movement behaviors of dryland ungulates. Ecosphere, 10, e0292410, 1 November 2019. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2924. SCI
5. 伊藤優斗:モンゴル高原における草原火災の時空間変動(修士論文), 2020年2月
6. Iwagaki, K.:Vegetation vulnerability in northwestern Mongolia as estimated using drought sensitivity and resilience indices (Graduation thesis) , February 2020.   
7. Tsuchiya, R., T. Kawai, T. Bat-Oyun, M. Shinoda, and Y. Morinaga: Electrical conductivity, pH, minerals, and sensory evaluation of airag (fermented mare’s milk). Foods, 9, 333, 12 March 2020. doi:10.3390/foods9030333. SCI

2018年度 FY2018 (Apr 2018 - Mar 2019)


1. Onishi, K., T. T. Sekiyama, M. Nojima, Y. Kurosaki, Y. Fujitani, S. Otani, T. Maki, M. Shinoda, Y. Kurozawa, and Z. Yamagata: Prediction of health effects of cross-border atmospheric pollutants using an aerosol forecast model. Environment International, Vol. 117, 48-56, August 2018. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2018.04.035. SCI
2. Otani, S., A. Majbauddin, Y. Kurozawa, and M. Shinoda: Lack of medical resources and public health vulnerability in Mongolia's winter disasters. Rural and Remote Health, Vol. 18, No. 3, 5 September 2018. doi:10.22605/RRH4617. SCI
3. Nandintsetseg, B., M. Shinoda, C. Du, and M. Erdenebadrakh: Cold-season disasters on the Eurasian steppes: Climate-driven or man-made. Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, 14769, 3 October 2018. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-33046-1. SCI
4. Shinoda, M., T. Sternberg, and B. Nandintsetseg: Multiple climate hazards in Eurasian drylands . Natural Hazards, Special Issue “Multiple climate hazards in Eurasian drylands”, Vol. 92, Suppl. 1, 1-2, November 2018. doi:10.1007/s11069-018-3516-4. SCI
5. Du, C., M. Shinoda, K. Tachiiri, B. Nandintsetseg, H. Komiyama, and S. Matsushita: Mongolian herders' vulnerability to dzud: A study of record livestock mortality levels during the severe 2009/2010 winter. Natural Hazards, Special Issue “Multiple climate hazards in Eurasian drylands”, Vol. 92, Suppl. 1, 3-17, November 2018. doi:10.1007/s11069-017-2893-4. SCI
6. Jugder, D., B. Gantsetseg, E. Davaanyam, and M. Shinoda: Developing a soil erodibility map across Mongolia. Natural Hazards, Special Issue “Multiple climate hazards in Eurasian drylands”, Vol. 92, Suppl. 1, 71-94, November 2018. doi: 10.1007/s11069-018-3409-6. SCI
7. Nandintsetseg, B., M. Shinoda, and B. Erdenetsetseg: Contributions of multiple climate hazards and overgrazing to the 2009/2010 winter disaster in Mongolia. Natural Hazards, Special Issue “Multiple climate hazards in Eurasian drylands”, Vol. 92, Suppl. 1, 109-126, November 2018. doi:10.1007/s11069-017-2954-8. SCI
8. Ito, T. Y., Y. Sakamoto, B. Lhagvasuren, T. Kinugasa, and M. Shinoda: Winter habitat of Mongolian gazelles in areas of southern Mongolia under new railroad construction: An estimation of interannual changes in suitable habitats. Mammalian Biology, Vol. 93, 13-20, November 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.mambio.2018.07.006. SCI
9. 小長谷有紀・鈴木康平・堀田あゆみ・篠田雅人・山中典和:モンゴルにおける宿営地集団の研究-A. D. Simukov の「ホト」論文の紹介-. 沙漠研究, 第28巻, 第3号, 217- 227, 2018年12月30日. doi:10.14976/jals.28.3_217 [Konagaya, Y., K. Suzuki, A. Hotta, M. Shinoda, and N. Yamanaka: A study on social organization in Mongolia -“Hotons” written by A. D. Simukov-. Journal of Arid Land Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3, 217- 227, 30 December 2018 (in Japanese with English abstract).]
10. 鈴木康平・小長谷有紀・堀田あゆみ・篠田雅人・山中典和:モンゴルにおける宿営地集団の研究-A. D. Simukov の「モンゴル人民共和国の住民の遊牧生活に関する資料(第一部)」. 沙漠研究, 第28巻, 第3号, 229- 241, 2018年12月30日. doi:10.14976/jals.28.3_229 [Suzuki, K., Y. Konagaya, A. Hotta, M. Shinoda, and N. Yamanaka: A study on social organization in Mongolia: “Materials on nomadic life of the people in the Mongolian People’s Republic, Part I” written by A. D. Simukov. Journal of Arid Land Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3, 229- 241, 30 December 2018 (in Japanese with English abstract).]
11. Kawai, K., Y. Nishio, K. Kai, J. Noda, E. Munkhjargal, M. Shinoda, N. Sugimoto, A. Shimizu, E. Davaanyam, and D. Batdorj: Ceilometer observation of a dust event in the Gobi Desert on 29–30 April 2015: Sudden arrival of a developed dust storm and trapping of dust within an inversion layer. Science Online Letters on the Atmosphere, Vol. 15, 52-56, 7 March 2019. doi:10.2151/sola.2019-011. SCI

2017年度 FY2017 (Apr 2017 - Mar 2018)


タイトル/Title  著者/Author  学術雑誌/Academic Journal 
 Mongolian herder's vulunerability to dzud: A study of record livestock mortality levels during the severe 2009/2010 winter C.Du, M.Shinoda, K.Tachiiri, B.Nandintsetseg, H.Komiyama, S.Matsushita  Natural Hazards(2017)
 Dryland climate change: Recent progress and challenges  Huang.J, Y.Li, C.Fu, F.Chen, Q.Fu, A.Dai, M.Shinoda, Z.Ma, W.Guo, Z.Li, L.Zhang, Y.Liu, H.Yu, Y.He,Y.Xie, X.Guan, M.Ji, L.Lin, S.Wang, H.Yan, G.Wang  Reviews of Geophysics(2017)
55, 719-778
 Effects of spatiotemporal heteogeneity of forage availability on annual range size of Mongolian gazelles  S.Imai, T.Y.Ito, T.Kinugasa, M.Shinoda, A.Tsunekawa, B.Lhagvasuren  Journal of Zoology(2017)
301, 133-140
 A livestock trampling function for potential emission rate of wind-brown dust in a Mongolian temperate grassland E.Munkhtsetseg, M.Shinoda, M.Ishizuka, M.Mikami, R.Kimura, G.Nicolich  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics(2017)
17, 11389 -11401
 Contributions of multiple climate hazards and overgrazing to the 2009/2010 winter disaster in Mongolia  B.Nandintsetseg, M.Shinoda, B.Erdenetsetseg  Natural Hazards, Special Issue"Multiple climate hazards in Eurasian deylands"(2017)
 Dust storms from degrated drylands of Asia: Dynamics and health impacts  S.Otani, Y.Kurosaki, Y.Kurozawa, M.Shinoda  Land(2017)
6, 83(5pp.)
 気象災害の地域差を生む社会的要因―モンゴルにおける2009/2010年ゾド災害の場合―  杜春玲・篠田雅人・小宮山博・
27, 1-8
 沙漠化の歴史を編む  篠田雅人  科学(2017)
86, 308-311

2016年度 FY2016 (Apr 2016 - Mar 2017)

 タイトル/Title  著者/Author 学術雑誌/Academic Journal 
 Effects of grazing and precipitation variability on vegetation dynamics in a Mongolian dry steppe  T.Bat-Oyun, M.Shinoda, Y.Cheng, Y.Purevdorj  Journal of Plant Ecology(2016)
9, 508-519
 Relationships between soil moisture and dust emissions in a bare snady soil of Mongolia  E.Munkhtsetseg, M.Shinoda, J.A.Gillies, R.Kimura, J.King, G.Nikolich  Particuology(2016)
 Assessment of severe winter disasters (dzud) on public health in Mongolia on the basis of loss of livestock  S.Otani, K.Onishi, Y.Kurozawa, Y.Kurosaki, T.Bat-Oyun, M.Shinoda, H.Mu  Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness(2016)
10, 549-552

2015年度 FY2015 (Apr 2015 - Mar 2016)

 タイトル/Title 著者/Author  学術雑誌/Academic Journal
 Modeling gross primary production and ecosystem respiraion in a semiarid grassland of Mongolia  T.Nakano, M.Shinoda Soil Science and Plant Nutrition(2015)
61, 106-115
 Land surface memory effects on dust emission in a Mongolian temperate grasssland  B.Nandintsetseg, M.Shinoda  Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences(2015)
120, 414-427
 High-impact weathers in a changing climate over arid Eurasia and proactive disaster management  M.Shinoda  Procedia IUTAM(2015)
17, 47-52

2014年度 FY2014 (Apr 2014 - Mar 2015)

 タイトル/Title  著者/Author  学術雑誌/Academic Journal
 An observational study of saltation and dust emission in a horspot of Mongolia  A.Abulaiti, R.Kimura, M.Shinoda, Y.Kurosaki, M.Mikami, M.Ishizuka,Y.Yamada, E.Nishihara, B.Gantsetseg  Aeolian Research(2014)
15, 169-176
 Acccounting for surface roughness on measurements conducted with PI-SWERL: Evaluation of a visual approach and a photogrammetric technique  V.Etyemezian, J.A.Gillies, M.Shinoda, G.Nicolich, J.King, A.R.Bardis  Aeolian Research(2014)
13, 35-50
 Multi-decadal soil moisture trends and their relationship to precipitation and evapotranspiration in the cold, arid climate od Mongolia  B.Nandintsetseg, M.Shinoda  Arid Land Research and Management(2014)
28, 247-260
 モンゴル北部ボルガン県における近年の家畜大量死に関連した気象条件  小池崇子・篠田雅人・森永由紀  生物と気象(2014)
14, 29-40

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